As with positioning after feeding, keeping baby propped during sleep is important when they have reflux. This is fine for babies with reflux so long as the baby is safely supported to at least thirty percent, we found the higher baby is propped the better.
The simplest way to establish whether a baby has colic or reflux is to take a look at the definitions and indications of each. COLIC Colic can be outlined as wild, extended crying in babies who are otherwise healthy and well-fed.
Signs of Colic The main symptom is continuing crying for long amounts of time. They may lift their head, draw their legs up to their stomach, pass gas and become red-faced. GER is a physical process that happens to everyoneyoung and oldfrom time to time, especially after meals and many times we're not even aware it is occurring. In babies it often happens from immaturity of the LES ( Lower Esophageal Sphincter ) which is the muscle between the stomach and esophagus. Babies who are experiencing problems gaining weight might also benefit from the added calories. Smaller more frequent meals thru out the day work far better than bigger, less frequent meals. Also, elude feeding baby right before bedtime, especially if the baby is a poor sleeper.
Sucking on a dummy or dummy, can increase spit production. Entire milk, chocolate milk, fried or creamy style plants, tomatoes, citrus : like oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, anything prepared with full milk or fat rich, cold cuts, sausage, bacon, greasy beef, chicken fat / skin, all animal or plant oils, chocolate, carbonated drinks, chicken, meat, milk, or cream-based soups ).
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